.Catnip & Silver vine - an amazing and power packed blend of our original Leaf & Flower catnip with organic ground Silver vine. A double whammy! If the catnip does not immediately tickle your cats fancy, the Silvervine will definitely do the trick. Once only offered in a 1.25 oz. bag, as part of our Superb Sampler Set, now our Catnip and Silver vine Blend is available a la carte in a glass tube! In fact, all four of Shady Cat's catnip blends are now offered in a 1.25 oz. bag and .20 oz. glass tubes! Take your pick! You can't go wrong! How to use our catnip: we recommend that you keep your catnip stored in it's airtight bag. All your cat needs is a pinch. For maximum potency, rub the catnip between your fingers to release all the oils stored in the catnip.

Shady Cat Social Club Organic Catnip & Silver Vine Blend Tube